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反对日本成为安理会常任理事国 全球华人大签名 (Links not working, Lawrence to check please )


Alliance for Preserving the Truth of Sino-Japanese War

Our Mission

Alliance for Preserving the Truth of Sino-Japanese War (APTSJW) is a Northern California based grassroots organization dedicated to preserve the truth of the painful history of the Sino-Japanese War (1931-1945). APTSJW provides infrastructural support to research and educational organizations sharing the same conviction, and makes constructive recommendations to all concerned parties to heal old wounds, bring past conflicts to final closure, and lay the foundation for peace and prosperity in the region. There is no ill feeling or hatred towards the Japanese people. The Japanese civilians, in fact, were also the victims of a handful of Japanese militarists who brought unspeakable horror to permanently scar the victimized nations, including Japan.

Our Goal

Alliance for Preserving the Truth of Sino-Japanese War works to inform the general public in the United States, China, Japan and other countries. Our mission is to cause the Japanese government to shoulder the responsibility and finally accept the consequences of the Japanese unmerciful assaults of its neighbors during the war, offer apology to the Chinese people, pay appropriate compensation to victims and their families, and tell the truth of history to the Japanese citizens so that its people will never again bear the burden of any unconscionable act of aggression.

Our Foundation

Alliance for Preserving the Truth of Sino-Japanese War was founded on May 2, 1992 to address the grave concern that the Japanese government and Japan?ˉs prominent political and business leaders continue to distort the history of its brutal aggression against China and her people, and their blunt refusal to accept Japan's war responsibilities.



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