抵制日貨文章 (回應楊昌力抵制日貨倡議)
- Bill Ho dated 04/05/2005 on boycotting Japanese Goods
- YC Fung dated 04/05/2005 on boycotting Japanese Goods
- WM Chan 03/05/2005 Re: A reminder of caution on boycotting Japanese
- Lawrence Chan 01/05/2005 Re: A reminder of caution on boycotting
Japanese Goods
- WM Chan 03/05/2005 Re: A reminder of caution on boycotting Japanese
- Lawrence Chan 01/05/2005 Re: A reminder of caution on boycotting
Japanese Goods
- Sau Wan Chan 30/04/2005 Re: A reminder of caution on boycotting
Japanese Goods
- YY Tam 30/04/2005 Re: A reminder of cautionon boycotting Japanese
- WM Chan 30/04/2005 Re: A reminder of cautionon boycotting Japanese
- Bill Ho 30/04/2005 Re: A reminder of cautionon boycotting Japanese
- 抵制日貨倡議書 楊昌力
- 全国人民倡议书 (資料來源有待補充)
- 加拿大史維會的建議:
- An article about a new anti-Japanese war (資料來源有待補充))
Generally, I welcome members's boycott to show their feeling,same
as WM. I believe that no-one in this group is against anyone to boycott
Jap's goods.
One situation to enforce national boycott would be at a time when
Chinese products were so bad and so expensive like at the time of
May Four ( 1919 ??) We needed that as a weapon to protect our weak
I am on the side to play dirty on Japs, if we can get 30 million
signature to agree to boycott, for a month that would have effect
on Japs economy. But there may bring counter boycott which can also
hurt our economy. With this approach, someone has to convince that
we'll win,considering all situation.
I quote a part of message from Martin Luther King who had similar
thoughts "Tension was not between the races, but was "between
justice and injustice, between the forces of light and the forces
of darkness. And if there is a victory it will be a victory not
merely for fifty thousand Negroes, but a victory for justice and
the forces of light. Thus, tension only existed
between good and evil and not between people."
I also like to express a legal point in considering boycott on
Mitsibishi on the ground that M was a war criminal.To prove that
M was involved or participated in the war is not enough because
M was just dong her duty to her country. Just like a soldier kills
enemy soldier in battle-field is not commiting a crime, but rather
carrying her duty at war as instructed.
Another element need to be present for M to commit a war crime is
that M caused or administered crimes, particularly like massacre
to Nanking.
To go to Court is a nightmare, You will find all sorts of unreasonable
denials and that not always the one with better reasons wins.That
is the 'democratic world' we live.
I have got severe neck pain resulting from long hours at the computer,
much worse than headache last time. I really cannot talk any more
in the next two weeks.
-- 日本軍國主義復活的驅動者,必然會逼使政府軟化。中國對日本採取軍事對抗,既無效,也不利地區和平穩定。總之,打經濟牌是上策,政治外交牌是中策,軍事牌是下策。
YC Fung
WM Chan 03/05/2005 Re: A reminder of caution
on boycotting Japanese Goods
Instead of appealing to people to do something which
is not going to have a
great impact, I suggest we focus on something more strategic. Right
now we
have a lot of passion from people with a strong will-power to do
But the venting of passion should not be the aim. Passion can also
wane when
efforts put in do not bear useful fruit ( or worse, invite criticism).
scepticism is part of the problem in unification, perhaps more elaboration
on why certain actions are being taken will help to enlist the support
required --- not just from Chinese, but from the Japanese as well.
As in the case of the USA, the civilians should not
be held accountable for
deeds by the Govt or the military. Should an Iraq person boycott
USA goods?
For health reasons, I suppose yes(not just a joke)
WM 03/05/2005
Lawrence Chan 01/05/2005 Re: A reminder of
caution on boycotting Japanese Goods
Bill, WM, YY, All,
Talking about bias and history rectification, it
seems that some of you are taking a more pacifist approach, which
I can understand. In a way you are right that we should not muddle
in the past and the present too long, else we may lose the future(*
here I borrow this beautiful expression used by Lien Jin, the KMD
leader in his peace trip in China).
However, while I appreciate your good spirit, I can't
exactly agree with your judgment of the situation. I hope you don't
mind me saying that, Old Friends. Why?
First, About 60 years: the WWII settlement was muddling
and was unfair to the Asian victim countries and people because
of the manipulation of the big victors after the war, e.g., the
1951 SF Treaty which was supposed to be the final settlement of
the war responsibilities of Japan had got no presence of China,
India, Philippines, Korea... Because of the Cold War, friends of
the USA/England...had suddenly become their enemies, whereas their
biggest enemy Japan had suddenly been taken as their most valuable
ally. There were lots of cover-ups and dirty deals behind. The victims,
including China, could only swallow the bitter pill at that time.
By international rule, the 'shelved' or 'Classified'
secret info/ documents of governments are supposed to be "unshelved"
or "declassified" for historical studies after 50 years.
But we have seldom seen the US/Japan doing that even now despite
that Global Alliance and other scholars have kept pressing for that...
So we know preserving and rectifying history needs national strength,
resources, inteligence, manpower... 60 years is long enough to wait
for redress by the sufferers, but is not that long for rectifying
such a big chapter of distorted history under pressure.
As you said, it is already 60 years of waiting and
struggling. Do you think we should wait longer, or we just stay
out hoping that things can correct themselves?
We are now at the verge of time to have the judgment
done now or never. The first generation war victims are dying out
quickly. Why don't we make use of them as live witnesses to rectify
the twisted history in time? On the other hand, why shouldn't we
help to get justice for these dying out victims when there is still
time and opportunity?
Second, On Forgive and Forget: While we would like
to forgive Japan, we would expect to see it comes with genuine remorse
and action. China was generous enough to have given up state compensation.
The few legal claims for compensation going on in late years were
just some minor civil cases. Yet Japan is still disagreeable. At
the same time, it is doing all sort of negatives and provocations.
That tells us pure under-tone or good will does not work nor can
earn respect. For those of you who have lived in the west long enough
should understand what I mean. You have to voice out, and better
be backed up with some strength, of course.
Third, On Bias vs. Bias: I agree that we should not
generalize all Japanese people as evil, and that we should seek
peace and reconciliation. GA and ALPHA are very conscious of that.
If we are bias, we would not have got supporters of our course from
some Japanese groups in Japan, the National Japanese Canadian Ass.
in Canada, Mike Honda the Japanese American legislator in California,
the Jewish and other minority ethnic communities… We would not have
been been endorsed by BC and Ontario provincial ministries to produce
school teaching resources nor to have won provincial peace awards.
Unfortunately, we do have difficulty with the western media who
are generally bias by ignoring or by distorting the China related
issues. That is why we have to speak up at crucial moments. But
yes, it is good to be reminded by you good friends to be more cautious.
Your comments are very appreciated.
Fourth, On your doubt about why we pick on Mitsubishi.
If you have any chance visiting the disputed Yasakuni Shine, there
was a Zero fighter plane displayed as the Japanese glory in their
great war. It is a Mitsubishi. Mitshubishi was, and still is, one
of the biggest supporter and military manufacturers of Japan’s right
wing militarism.
We pick Mitsubishi as a good representative of the
pro-militarism commercial element. We believe it is strategically
viable and effective by narrowing down our boycott
action on one target at a time with consistence than to boycott
Honestly, I think your discussed one month general
boycott is not distinctive to be significant.
What about reconsider the GA proposal?
-Kwok Tai 01/05/2005
On boycotting Japanese Goods
It is exactly because we are in the democratic society that we
can still find out what happened 60 years ago! The books have not
been burnt, the learned are not buried as in the past.
Whether the Japanese goods are made in China is not relevant in
present context. The Japanese companies employing foreign workers
are not foreign aid. They are not charity. They are capitalists
making money by employing the cheap Chinese and South East Asian
labour. Don't forget that the Chinese is a very resilient race.
They will find jobs in other factories. China is a
very fluid market. Other capitalist will move in to fill the vacuum.
There are times for higher cause when sacrifice has to be made.
Did we ask why the Japanese are so arrogant? It is because of their
relatively good economy built on cheap labour in part supplied from
poorer neighbours. What they spend on voluntary aid is only a fraction
of their profit. The boycott is a peaceful way of showing our discontent,
but by no means the only way. WE collectively will think of some
other means as well.
Ultimately, the Chinese government has to handle the diplomatic
arm. After all, it is only for a month. It is a show of solidarity,
like the Chinese unified in the May 4 Movement in the past.
When Woo Kam Sang suggested to buy me a camera for my 21st birthday
years ago, I asked for any non-Japanese model. I felt proud and
warm. I haven't regretted since.
Sau-wan and Kwong Yin.30/04/2005
On boycotting Japanese Goods
Agree with Bill and WM. Perhaps there are other
ways that we could do in uniting the Japanese people and denouncing
such actions of erasing history in regard to war crimes.
Yuen Yin 30/04/2005
On boycotting Japanese Goods
Agree with Bill. I'm sceptical as the action could
be harming ourseleves (or
other poor countries) because "Japanese goods" may well
be made in China (or
other poor countries). It's well known that Sony goods are made
Indonesia. I don't know about Mitsibisi.
Perhaps the more knowledeable among us can suggest
other actions with the
equal effects of "People Power"
WM 30/04/2005
On boycotting Japanese Goods
In a 'democratic world', looking for truth of 60
ago is really difficult. For example, You have to
prove why Mitsibisi- a car manufacture was a form of
military responsible for war crime.
The case can be dismissed on the ground of prejudice.
On the other hand,once it is established that Jap's
govt. is distorting history, remedial measures like
compensation can flow in.
Bill 30/04/2005
第一份倡議書似是國內網友發出,由Paula Chan(已故隊友陳仲訓之夫人)轉給本人,她還表示她本人將付諸行動!這份倡議書末段也許言論過激,但有其優點,可以馬上行動起來.隊友中亦有人表示強烈支持,希望大家除了自己行動起來,也盡可能轉發給親友,且不管人在何方,大家在五月份盡可能不買日貨.
第二份則是陳國泰兄轉來加拿大史維會主席王裕佳醫生及列國遠女士譴責環球郵報社論中的一段,我特別節錄在此供大家參考. 其優點在於可以作為我們長期抵制日貨的理據和指引.
五月份是我們第一個戰役,請即行動起來,投入戰役之中! 五月份就是第一個戰役
如果抵制日货是一场战争,那么5月份就是一个战役。只要行动我们就会取胜。 (多多转告QQ好友吧,5月里叫小日本知道痛,看了不发者,不配做中国人,典型的卖国者)
(日) 暮苍山兰舟 (小),
(本) 无落霞缀清 (泉)。
(去) 年叶落缘分 (定),
(死) 水微漾人却 (亡)。
An article about a new anti-Japanese war
作者: Chinese 于 2001 年 9 月 1 日 22:14:08 ()
, 就會使他們不敢再輕視我們的力量.
“外匯收入”是任何一個國家的源泉和動力﹗﹗ 它和國民經濟的關系是“一帶動八”﹐或者說﹕“損失一份外貿收入﹐這個國家就要損失八份的國內經濟收入﹗”。
1000----1400億美元的外匯受入“等價于”一兆美元----日本經濟的總產值的五分之一 (1/5) = 20%﹗﹗﹗
原因有二﹕一個是怕----因為尤太人特別團結﹔ 第二個是尤太人的狠----猶太人從來沒有放棄過對“納粹分子”的追殺----- 只要在這個地球上發現有任何藏匿的“納粹分子”﹐他們就一定就會“抓--綁架”﹐如果實在無法得手﹐那就“殺”﹗
開始行動吧 !
有日本的零件。所以還是打住吧﹗“拒買日貨就到此為止”是什麼用意﹖﹗那是因為日本害怕看到 中國大眾組織起來﹐進而進行有效的“抵制日貨”運動﹖﹗故而在這個五十多年來首次完全有可能
“拒買日貨"”的意義 :
們大家的共同努力﹐ 才能讓全體中國人慢慢地﹐逐漸地意識到﹐然後才能真實地做到﹗﹗
2.現在中日兩國貿易總額每年達600億美元。是不是因為我們全球中華大眾對日貨的抵 制﹐中國就會受到損失?
***敬請各位把這篇文章貼到你所知道的任何地方。死難的4000萬同胞將感謝你 ﹗﹗