(綜合報道) (星島日報報道) 本港或可申請世界自然遺產!政府專家確認本港東南部首次發現一座曾於一億四千萬年前爆發的古代超級死火山,命名為「糧船灣超級火山」,超級火山直徑約二十公里,其獨特地貌演變,有助科學家了解歐亞板塊和菲律賓板塊的移動過程,而整個超級火山遺址有資格申請作世界自然遺產。
土木工程拓展署早前進行地質調查時,在本港東南部發現了一座古代超級死火山,是首次在本港以至中國東南部發現古代超級火山。署方指該死火山於一億四千萬年前最後一次爆發,命名為「糧船灣超級火山」,火山岩由糧船灣伸延至果洲群島,覆蓋西貢東部地質公園,其噴出的火山灰冷卻後形成著名的六角柱岩,而火山較深層部分則為花崗岩,由淺至深從西貢伸展至九龍及香港島。署方已就有關發現撰寫文章,並於今年一月在美國地球物理期刊《Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems》中發表。

本港西貢暗藏古代超級火山 1.4億年前曾爆發
土木工程拓展署昨日表示,位于香港東南部的「糧船灣超級火山」是首個在香港以至中國東南部發現的古代超級火山。火山的上部分為火山岩,由糧船灣伸延至果洲群島,覆西貢東部地質公園內大片土地。火山的較深層部分為花崗岩,由淺至深從西貢向九龍與香港島伸展。有關文章已于今年一月在美國地球物理期刊《Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems》中發表。不過這座超級火山是死火山,最後一次爆發是一億四千萬年前,約中期侏羅紀至早期白堊紀。今日西貢東郊野公園糧船灣景區沿岸一帶布滿排列整齊、近乎垂直及高聳的六角柱火山岩柱,是超級火山噴出的火山灰經冷卻凝固後,形成的奇觀。
Hong Kong sits on an ancient super volcano - but don't panic as the last eruption took place 140 million years ago. Situated in the southeastern part of the territory, the "High Island Super volcano" is the first of its kind discovered in the SAR as well as in southeastern China, according to the Civil Engineering and Development Department.
The department will hold a media briefing on Thursday off the Ninepin Islands on the discovery. "This important finding is the result of geological surveying in Hong Kong carried out by the department," it said.
A paper on the discovery was published in a US geophysical journal, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, in January.
"The upper part of this extinct volcano is represented by the volcanic rock covering a large area within the geopark in eastern Sai Kung," the department said.
"It extends from High Island to the Ninepin Islands.
"The cooled and solidified ash from the super volcano eruptions formed spectacular columns.
"Progressively deeper parts of the super volcano, represented by granite, extend from Sai Kung toward Kowloon and Hong Kong Island."
An expert said citizens need not worry about the super volcano erupting in their lifetime because it is already extinct.
According to the Hong Kong Geopark website: "Rocks of the Ninepins date back to the age of dinosaurs - about 140 million years ago. It is believed that this group of islands were created by a major volcanic eruption which produced about 70 cubic kilometers of volcanic ash."
In 1980, Mount St Helens in Washington state spewed out "only two cubic km of ash when it exploded while the catastrophic Krakatoa eruption in Indonesia in 1883 produced 12 cubic km of volcanic substances."
Meanwhile, CNN will broadcast in its World's Untold Stories on Friday that one of the world's largest super volcanoes - which sits squarely in Yellowstone Park, and lying just eight kilometers beneath the Earth's surface "could wipe out" the United States.
"It's a sleeping giant that's been at rest for more than 600,000 years, but its eruption is a potential catastrophic event that could kill millions," CNN said on its website.
Super volcano is the popular term for large volcanoes that usually have a large caldera and can potentially produce devastation on an enormous, sometimes continental, scale. Such eruptions would be able to cause severe cooling of global temperatures for many years afterwards because of the huge volumes of sulfur and ash erupted. They can be the most dangerous type of volcano. Examples include Yellowstone Caldera in Yellowstone National Park, Lake Taupo in New Zealand and Lake Toba in Sumatra, Indonesia. Super volcanoes are hard to identify centuries later, given the enormous areas they cover. Large igneous provinces are also considered super volcanoes because of the vast amount of basalt lava erupted.