香港大專學生社會服務隊 Hong Kong College Students Social Service Team



早期參加的會認識麥偉坤。他是最早期未成立服務隊時便參加工作的,當時已是小學老師。他最近仙遊,明晚8時在沙田聖歐爾發堂會有告別會。 - 黃震遐

Another sad news, but thanks to CY for informing us. I still remember him from the old days, although I don't think that I have ever met him again after I left Hong Kong.  Or did he come to our reunion in 2014?  There were too many friends that I met there that I couldn't remember all of them. And can someone confirm if the second person from the left in the attached photo was Mak Wai-Kun?   (And if not, who might that be?)
- Tin-Chee 

不錯!正版“墨七”是也!墨七為人風趣。有他的場合,晩會也好,工作中也好, 可說是絕無冷場。有他在,仕美可能要“行埋一邊”! 當然銳添要退避三舍,林鼎也要收口。他一生作育英材,桃李滿門。 還記得五六年前有幸參與他的一班學生為他祝壽的熱鬧感動場合。 當時孫大姐亦有到臨。最近大姐與墨七先後十數天之間離世。不勝唏 噓!一次在港大舉行的服務隊隊慶晩會,麥偉坤亦有出席。
- 李裕章




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